Amber: Yay!


Chloe: Wow. She can sleep anywhere. Amazing. It's lucky that she's asleep, actually. The only thing not finished was the area with the baby swings. Can you just picture the attitude if the ONE thing her size was unavailable? Sheesh. She did get to ride a bit, though. Because I refused to stay one side of the playground, Mommy had to keep dragging her around on that blanket.

Chloe: One of my favorite things about the beach (besides going in the ocean with Aunt Diane) is finding other kids to play with... sometimes, the big kids don't want to play with me, but that's only because they don't realize what an asset I can be! On Saturday, I finally found a great group of girls who welcomed me into the fold. I helped them make this awesome castle!
(Insert from Mommy: Attention, Nathan Brat Child: If you again try to take my kid's shark or ball with you up the beach after you repeatedly refused to share your toys OR play with her in any capacity, I will have no compunction at all about telling your mother that you are a BRAT. Leave my kid alone.)

Amber: I really like the beach, too. When Mommy isn't looking, I like to eat sand. Chloe usually is a good supplier. She tends to get sand EVERYWHERE. Sometimes she gets in trouble. But, hey. If you can't do the time, you shouldn't do the crime.
Chloe: Yeah, Friday afternoon wasn't great for the ol' Chloster. But, Mommy had forgiven me by dinnertime.
Amber: Yeah, she's pretty chill that way.

Chloe: Anyway, thank you Aunt Diane (and Uncle John)!
Amber: We had a great time! We love you!