Wow - another 3-Day is now over - it's hard to believe how fast the weekend went. For the first time, Mel and I were able to participate on the event together, which was a real treat. She inspired me to first get involved 3 years ago, so it was very special to share this time together. Another first: this was a new experience for both of us on the volunteer crew. We had a terrific time with an awesome group of volunteers on the Camp Services crew.
This team worked tirelessly all weekend long to ensure a great experience for the walkers when they were in camp. And how did I fare being 6 months pregnant? Well, I will say that working 14+ hour days followed by tent-camping in 30 degree weather was probably not my best career move. However, our team was a terrific source of support and really made sure I didn't over do it. Much thanks to Tim, our leader, and to all of the wonderful people on Camp Services. Everyone made a point to wish me a Happy Birthday on Saturday, surprising me in a sing a long after lunch. And for the first time, Ed was able to come and see the 3-Day Camp. He visited with me on my break on Saturday and really enjoyed the opportunity to experience the mini-city that is our camp... and the chance to wish me a Happy Birthday. You've all made this a weekend worth remembering!!!
All of the football officials in Florida for HS have been cleared to wear pink whistles this month (and specifically this week) in support or cancer awareness, specifically breast cancer. Each whistle costs $5 and goes directly to the American Cancer Society. I have been wearing and will wear mine tonight in rememberance of Sara.
Congratulations on your walk!
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