Since we have friends and family all over the country and world, we hope this blog will be a fun place for us to share photos and stories about our family.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
Chloe post: Back from the Beach
Whew - what a fun weekend! We just got back yesterday from another fun weekend in Sea Isle with Aunt Diane and Uncle John. We also got to see Donna and Averie, so that was really neat, too.
I had fun in the ocean yesterday - I started to feel more comfortable and liked bending forward to touch the water. When I thought Mommy and Daddy weren't looking, I aimed a fistful of wet sand right into my mouth!! Unfortunately, Mommy is always looking and Daddy was warning against e.coli, so they wouldn't let me eat it. Sand tastes good! Humph. At least we are going to the pediatrician today to find out if I can eat veggies and fruit - I'm ready for variety!!
Aunt Diane and Uncle John, thank you for another fun weekend! Aunt Diane, I will see you on Thursday with Grams and Grandpa in Norfolk as the Chloe Summer of Fun tour continues!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
Not My Child Monday
MckMama decided to change it up today and do a Not My Child instead of a Not Me Monday... after all, kidlets are just like Mommies - they aren't perfect either!
It was not my little angel who was screaming like a (wait for it), yes a HOWLER MONKEY at the Ann Taylor Loft while Mommy was trying to comply with the Phi Sig plenary rules. It was not Chloe who was screaming like a, well you know like what, when she was overtired and refusing to sleep last night when Mommy was exhausted. It was not my muppet who dressed herself too lightly so that she was freezing in the a/c because she kept kicking off her blanket... oh, wait, her Mommy helped out with that one. LOL
Chloe post: Weekend wrap-up
I was incredibly busy this weekend. On Saturday, Mommy and I took a walk and then we went out to the pool. She took me swimming in the big pool! I didn't really understand what we were doing there, but I started to kick my legs a little bit and Mommy got really excited. She said that Grams and Grandpa are going to try to teach me to swim when we are in Norfolk with the Phi Sigs. She seemed happy I was kicking, so I kept it up. I didn't like it when she spun me around to show me what everyone else was doing - I was afraid she went away! And left me in the big pool! But, then Mommy spun me around and she was there again, so it was ok.
Saturday night, I had fun laughing at Uncle Donny telling stories - he is so funny! I made all the big people laugh so much that they forgot it was well past my bedtime.
Yesterday, we went to visit Aunt Jennifer at a craft sale and then we went shopping with Patti. I helped Mommy find a suit for convention. Well, not so much help as encourage her to SHOP FASTER, MOMMY, I AM READY FOR MY CEREAL. And then we went back to see silly Uncle Donny and Mommy finally fed me for the love of God.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Chloe post: Back from Princeton (again)
Well, we're back (again)! This time, Patti and Mommy brought me to the dinners with Mommy's work people and I had a really good time. They wouldn't give me any food, but it was still fun. A bunch of ladies cooed at me and told me how pretty I am and said "Who is a good girl? Who is so pretty? Who is so big?" I knew they meant, "Chloe is!" so I smiled at them and layed on the drool and it made them so happy. They passed me around and told Mommy how much they missed their babies or how long it's been since their babies were my size. I was a very good girl and made Mommy really proud.
Patti and I had a fun time chillaxing at the hotel. I was working on my rolling over skills on the comfy bed. When we got home, I showed Daddy my new tricks and he said I even had more hair from the last time he saw me! I am growing up fast!!
Yesterday, Patti brought me over to the Foundation so we could pick up Mommy and say good bye to all my new friends. We got there before the meeting ended and I heard all this noise! Mommy's work people gave her a standing ovation for all her hard work! I was so proud of her - she's a good Mommy.
Then, we went shopping. Mommy said that well-behaved good girls get new clothes.
Patti and I had a fun time chillaxing at the hotel. I was working on my rolling over skills on the comfy bed. When we got home, I showed Daddy my new tricks and he said I even had more hair from the last time he saw me! I am growing up fast!!
Yesterday, Patti brought me over to the Foundation so we could pick up Mommy and say good bye to all my new friends. We got there before the meeting ended and I heard all this noise! Mommy's work people gave her a standing ovation for all her hard work! I was so proud of her - she's a good Mommy.
Then, we went shopping. Mommy said that well-behaved good girls get new clothes.
Chloe post,
Chloe summer of fun tour,
working mommy
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Chloe post - Splish Splash
This cute little boy, Eric, had fun playing with me. He is an uncle to nieces, even though he is a little boy, so he had lots of experience and understood the way I prefer to chew on my toys rather than really play with them.
Finally, I had to take a nap. I was so exhausted! There were other babies around, though, so I slept with one hand on Bunny so no one could steal him!
Chloe post: Working in Princeton
Mommy and I just got back from Princeton the other day... we had to go for a meeting that Mommy was running for work and I got to have my first stay in a hotel! Patti took really good care of me while Mommy was working... along with some help from Great Aunt Joanne!
I mostly hung out and read my books and played with my toys, but I really liked it when Patti took me on walks. I also like sitting up like the big girl I am!!
Later, they took me to the Olive Garden, but they wouldn't even let me gnaw on a bread stick! That was mean! I might like bread sticks, but the only way to know for sure is to put them in my mouth. That's how I know I like the new bunny toy, my books, pillows... everything!
I definitely had a good time, but I missed my Daddy. I was really happy to see him on Thursday night. He gave me lots of kisses and said he missed all the sugar. I was happy to be home...
...but look out, Princeton, Mommy and Patti and I are heading back there on Tuesday!
PS. Gerber Oatmeal with Banana gets two thumbs in the mouth! Rock on!
Chloe post,
Chloe summer of fun tour,
working mommy
Monday, July 6, 2009
Chloe post: 4th of July Weekend
Wow - what a busy weekend! I am ready for the relaxation of school! We had a three day weekend and man, was I busy! On Friday, Mommy and Daddy took me to visit with Aunt Maia and Big Mommy and I met lots of other nice ladies, too. They had fun holding me and making funny faces at me. I tried to grab some cookies, but Mommy and Daddy have eagle eyes!
On Saturday, Mommy and I went to the pool and visited with Great Aunt Joanne and Great Uncle Craig and the whole big, fun family! I had such a good time meeting other babies and taking strolls around the pool. Mommy said that next weekend when I'm over this cold, I can go in the water - I can't wait!
Then, yesterday, Mommy and Aunt Maia took me to the aquarium. We had such a fun day together and took lots of pictures! Then, we went to visit Mom-Mom and Pop-Pop. They are always happy to catch up with me. Finally, Mommy and I went home to rest! We had so much fun, but we were so tired last night! That woman is running me ragged!
PS. Mommy said to use the link at the top of the column over there and vote for ME for most beautiful baby... you can vote until July 30 - I want to win!!
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Chloe post: Regarding Oatmeal
Last night, I knew Mommy was getting ready to feed me rice cereal. She got the Bumbo seat and the bowl that rice cereal is carried in and the spoon that rice cereal is delivered with. We got all ready and she spooned it up... HAVE YOU TAKEN COMPLETE LEAVE OF YOUR SENSES, MOTHER? That is NOT rice cereal! That is... that is... wait. Oh, I rather like this! Maybe even MORE than rice cereal! Keep it coming, Mommy, keep it coming!
Mommy said that if I do well on this for a week, she will open the other box: Gerber Oatmeal with Banana!
Mommy said that if I do well on this for a week, she will open the other box: Gerber Oatmeal with Banana!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Chloe post: Hey, Hey, I have a Monkey...
Sometimes, Mommy and Daddy do not understand about my simple, basic need to stand up and be a big girl. When that happens, I have to scream like a howler monkey and explain how they have aggrieved me. Frequently, they put me in the walker and then I'm fine... except in my exuberance, I knock the toys off and then I must scream until someone fixes it.
Also, I saw another baby with an Exersaucer and couldn't help but wonder, WHERE IS MINE??
So, the other day Mommy bought me this cool monkey toy that STAYS ON the walker tray. Daddy said "another toy?" and Mommy said "an exersaucer is $80 and this monkey was $8."
After I obsessively played with it for several hours, Daddy said "good call on that $8, Mommy."
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