Monday, July 6, 2009

Chloe post: 4th of July Weekend

Wow - what a busy weekend! I am ready for the relaxation of school! We had a three day weekend and man, was I busy! On Friday, Mommy and Daddy took me to visit with Aunt Maia and Big Mommy and I met lots of other nice ladies, too. They had fun holding me and making funny faces at me. I tried to grab some cookies, but Mommy and Daddy have eagle eyes!

On Saturday, Mommy and I went to the pool and visited with Great Aunt Joanne and Great Uncle Craig and the whole big, fun family! I had such a good time meeting other babies and taking strolls around the pool. Mommy said that next weekend when I'm over this cold, I can go in the water - I can't wait!

Then, yesterday, Mommy and Aunt Maia took me to the aquarium. We had such a fun day together and took lots of pictures! Then, we went to visit Mom-Mom and Pop-Pop. They are always happy to catch up with me. Finally, Mommy and I went home to rest! We had so much fun, but we were so tired last night! That woman is running me ragged!

PS. Mommy said to use the link at the top of the column over there and vote for ME for most beautiful baby... you can vote until July 30 - I want to win!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Chloe you are such a social butterfly! can't wait to see you in Norfolk!
xoxoxo Grams