Today, we had flooding, so my school was closed... so Mommy had to work from home so she could take care of me. We had a good time and I was helpful by taking a 2.5 hour nap. Boy, I'm glad I did - Mommy took me to an office Christmas party and I was working hard!
Here you see me enjoying my sugar cookie (why has no one told me about these before?!) and goofing with Auntie Lu, but I had some serious responsibilties, too...
...I helped Aunt Melanie by serving as the un-official greeter for the event and spent most of my time mingling from table to table. Everyone said I am very cute and walking quite well for someone who is only 10.5 months old. Mommy explained that I am trying to get into the Panda room at school, so I need to be confident in my gait. It's important to have goals.
It sure was a fun day... I was so exhausted that I went to sleep at 6.45 - I never do that!
Grams here..Chloe my old eyes are playing tricks on me...your hair is looking RED to me in these photos!
Kisses to my girl xoxoxo
Grams her!
Hey there Chloe I made sugar cookies today for you!
Kisses to my girl xoxoxo
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