Mommy and I want to wish all the Phi Sigs a wonderful Founders' Day! We had a great time on Sunday, celebrating with more than 300 women!
(Check out how my coat matches this new dress from Aunt Jennifer - accessorizing is what separates us from the animals on Go, Diego, Go.)

Aunt Diane is a Phi Sig and she was so happy to see me - she travels so much and she and Uncle John miss hanging out with me. I can't wait to see her again on Thanksgiving.

But, one of the best parts of Founders' Day is that it's all WOMEN and we all recognize the necessity of a little extra dessert! Hee hee hee, Daddy - 2 cookies and a brownie. Watch out!

Mommy and I were so happy to spend the day together.

And of course, I'm always happy to help out. This is Beth - she and I are super good friends, so I wanted to help her with her presentation.

And when I got bored, I modeled for Mommy. Everyone else found it charming.
I think Mommy has a PS, so I will sign off, but thanks Phi Sigs for letting me crash the party!

PS. From Mommy: Big Props to the women of Theta Eta (Rider University) - they made these killer centerpieces and I was lucky enough to win one!
BY FAR one of her loveliest outfits! haha. Thanks for sharing the photos, it's great to see them.
aunt 'fer
Well,it seems that the real star of Phi Sig is you Chloe....but you need to ask mommy where is you pearl necklace?
Can't wait to see you and Amber atChristmas time!
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