As I mentioned on Facebook last week, I scored a ton of great stuff at the recent Cozy Tots sale. For $47, I got everything pictured below + a 2-DVD set of Friends episodes for myself.

Chloe came with me and I told her she could get one toy, but I'm weak. She had already picked out a doll house (later switched it for this doll house castle) when she saw the talking, dancing Dora. She was so delighted and excited (and Dora was $2), so she got two toys. The castle was $5, I think. Dora is always a hit, but she's really into the castle. She has a Little Mermaid toy set and she uses them in the castle. Everyone gets a place in the castle. Even Ursula... but Chloe is then quick to point out, "I no like Ursula. She bad lady."

I really wanted to get one of these things for Amber. They have similar ones at school and she likes them. I love that this one has lights, along with sounds and also has a mirror. And I love that it was $6.

Chloe bee-lined right to two hangers. This was one of them. This set includes a light-weight jacket, pair of embroidered jeans and a long-sleeve tee. None of the pieces look like they were even worn! $2 for the whole set!

This is the other thing that grabbed her attention. She is very interested in the princesses right now and this fleece sweatsuit was a must. I think it was $4 or $5.
I don't remember the individual prices on the rest of this stuff, but nothing was more than $3 or $4 and many were $2. The Friends DVD set was $5. Pretty cool, no?

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