Then, Mommy explained that she is sorority sisters with all three hundred people in the room! I find that very confusing, but I love Sigma Sigma. They sang a very pretty song and had a lot of desserts. Mommy and I each won a raffle prize and everyone complimented Teresa and I on our matching dresses.
Mommy was proud that my dress didn't stop right under my booty and said that I might be an inspiration to others! I love being an inspiration to others!

Afterthought from Mommy: I tried to explain to Chloe on the way home that so many of the people she has met are Phi Sigs and that if it weren't for Phi Sigma Sigma, she wouldn't have an Aunt Diane. I don't think she got it, but she did ask me to sing the Liebestraume (again), so maybe something sunk in.
All joking about skirt lengths aside (come ON, girls!), Founders' Day is my favorite Phi Sigma Sigma event. I am willing to give much to my sorority, but I demand much back... and we don't always see eye to eye. But, on Founders' Day I am reminded of the strength and commitment to friendship and service that ten women of differing backgrounds shared in 1913. I very much enjoy looking around the room and realizing that so many of the women who have inspired me in my life are either present or there in spirit. Diokete Hupsala, "Sigma Sigma" sisters.
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