Since we have friends and family all over the country and world, we hope this blog will be a fun place for us to share photos and stories about our family.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Tornado Chloe and the Snow Day
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Speaking of Philanthropy...
Congrats to Aunt Jennifer for being the first one to join us in making a donation to Jenifer! Aunt Jennifer will receive some handmade cards to send to her loved ones.
For all of you out there who may be looking for a larger commitment, the 3-Day is now offering an incentive for walkers who register before March 9th:
Now is the time to commit to the biggest, boldest breast cancer event in history!
Register for the Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure™ between February 24th – March 9th with the discount code RESOLVE and we’ll give you a $25 discount off the registration fee. Experience the event that past walkers have called “inspirational, hope-filled, emotionally rich and life-altering.”
This is your opportunity to reconnect with your power to change the world. Resolve to make it happen. Register at or call 800-996-3DAY. Give the discount code RESOLVE by March 9th and we'll take $25 off your registration fee.
Note: Participants must visit, attend a Get Started Meeting or call 800-996-3DAY to register before midnight (CT) on March 9, 2010 and use the discount code RESOLVE to receive the $25 discount off the registration fee. We're sorry but we are not able to retroactively discount any previous registrations, or registrations that are made without using the discount code.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Ah, the Grass is Always Greener
Mommy Post: Mother to a Panda

I bought her a new outfit for the occasion. Of course.
When we got to school, she was her typical Chloe self - running rampant, grabbing her favorite toys, waiting for no one.
I couldn't even get a decent picture in because she was so on the run. Completely disinterested in Ed and I and whether or not we were leaving or staying. She had babies to find, etch and erasing to do, hot dogs to cook. Busy. Being a big girl...
...but, she's still a sucker for Miss Stella, so maybe I can comfort myself that she's not quite leaving for college just yet. Sigh.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Chloe Post: Birthdays = Cake. And Dancing.

Pattyanne's my girl. We hang.

In addition to having a keen fashion sense and good sense of humor, Pattyanne also has exquisite taste when it comes to cake. I never had ice cream cake before, but I liked it.

Birthdays rock. But, whew. I'm exhausted.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Chloe Post: An Ode to Mommy's Cell Phone - Study in Haiku
Thursday, February 18, 2010
I Must be Losing My Mind
"Where are the cookies that were inside that box and what's in your hand?"Because I couldn't figure that out myself???
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Keeping the "me" in Mommy... and helping out an awesome cause
...And recently, the Hubs and I were watching TV and a commercial came on for the Breast Cancer 3-Day. The 3-Day has been a very big part of my life in recent years and really inspired me to try to do that which scares me. In the past, I've walked the 60 miles three times, served as a mentor to other walkers, a training walk leader and worked on the volunteer crew once. But, with a baby, it's so hard to take the time to train and then be away for three days and I sort of put it all out of my head. Until we saw the commercial and Ed asked me how I would be involved this year. And I sort of mumbled, "Oh, I don't know if I can..."
And he shot me a look of incredulousness. He said, "But it's so important to you - surely there's something you can do." We talked about me being a volunteer - a commitment that's for a specific amount of time and I think that's a good match, so I will look into that.
But, then today, I got an inspiration - all of YOU can help me stay connected to the event, too! I've decided, that Chloe, Ed and I will profile a walker each month from now until the Philadelphia event with a link to their individual donation page. And each month, the first one of you to donate (and then comment on one of our blog posts saying that you did so), will get a little something from us as a thank you for supporting the cause.
Sound good? Keep an eye on that bar over there on the right. That's where the profile will show up.
And remember - no donation is too small. If everyone in America gave $5, this damn thing would be cured already.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Chloe Post: Part 2 of Valentine's Weekend
to chew into my crib and gnaw off splinters. When Mommy returned, they took turns freaking out about the number of splinters that may be in my tummy and the costs (financial, emotional, physical) of removing them at the hospital. Then, we all went to Babies R Us to buy a cover for the top of my crib. Heh.
On Sunday, Mommy and Daddy took me to brunch at Ruby Tuesday's where I perfected the sign for "MORE" because their food was yummy!! We had a really good time. Then, we returned home where they gave me a Valentine that has their voices inside it! Magic! Then, they thought I would take a nap. Boy, were they wrong.
After I resolutely would not sleep, M & D took me to visit with my aunts and uncles and everyone. Daddy was taking Mommy to hear the Music of Andrew Lloyd Webber for Valentine's Day (which made Mommy VERY happy) so I got to entertain the relatives.
Here I am with Aunt Patty. She is my friend. We like to make funny faces at each other and I tried to share my phone with her by hiding it in her purse. I was going to walk around with that purse, but I couldn't lift it off the ground! Aunt Patty should be in the Olympics.
Here I am with Uncle Donny - he is SO silly! He tells me stories and makes faces to get me to laugh. He's really funny.
Here I am with Aunt JoJo's and Aunt Patty's Mommy. She is a Mom-Mom, too, but I have a Mom-Mom so I get all confused. But I like her a lot and she gives me lots of kisses.
Here I am helping - I pay my own way, man! Mommy and Daddy don't let me play in the dishwasher at home, but Aunt JoJo says I am a good helper and she gives me free reign!
MMMM!! Everyone said that I am a really good eater! Brooke gave me chicken, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes and green beans! They never even got my food from the diaper bag, because I was such a big girl eating big people food!
Whew! Valentine's Day is exhausting! Brianna and I took a good rest, because it was all too much! I had a lot of fun with everyone, though - Happy Valentine's Day to everyone!!
Monday, February 15, 2010
Happy Valentine's Day from Chloe!
On Saturday, Mommy and I left the house really early to go to a gymnastics class. We had a lot of fun - I especially liked climbing on these mats. Mommy isn't sure if we'll go back - it was fun, but I already know how to do some of the stuff that the older kids didn't. We realized that those other kids aren't trying to angle into a Panda room, so they don't have the same drive to compete. Mommy and Daddy said "We'll see."
Then, Mommy and I went to the mall... Mrs. P gave me a gift card to Build a Bear for my birthday and Mommy said that when you get a gift card, you go to the mall to pick something out. I didn't really understand what she meant. Mommy said, "I'm not sure about this Build a Bear place, Chloe, we'll figure it out together."
We went in and there was a wall of bears and frogs and things and underneath each animal was a bin full of unstuffed animal carcasses. I don't know what that word is, but Mommy was whispering it under her breath a lot. Mommy said she saw something similar on Criminal Minds, but it was about a serial killer.
Anyway, she showed me a couple of them and let me pick one and let me hold it. I loved it - it was a floppy eared bunny! Then, she pushed me around the store and showed me different outfits. I pointed to one that had a girl singing on it, but Mommy said she didn't know who that girl was and she probably has naked pictures on the internet that no one knows about yet and she is NOT trying to have all of that up in our house. So she showed me some skirts and blouses. I finally settled on a blue tu-tu with a peace sign shirt. Mommy said she would have gone with the pink plaid skirt with black cardigan, but "it's not my bunny, kiddo."
Then, she made me give my limp bunny to a lady with a very large machine who made my bunny all filled up! Also, Mommy plucked a heart out of the bin (not unlike Kali Ma in Indiana Jones, she said), and the lady made her kiss it and make a wish. Mommy said I should kiss it, too because "we're in this together, kid." So, I did and then the lady sewed up my bunny which Mommy thinks was probably in Saw.
Then, the lady gave me my bunny and I was so happy! Mommy brought us over to the "Dress Me" station and then said "The bunny gets dressed - just like Chloe" and then she put my new outfit on the bunny! I thought that was so funny - a bunny wearing clothes.
Then, we had to go over to the naming station to create Fluffy Bunny's birth certificate. Another baby was screaming during this time and Mommy muttered "I think crying means you shouldn't get to build a bear..."
I was starting to lose patience with this exercise, but Mommy told me to hang in there and gave me a yogurt melt. The check out lady gave us bows for Fluffy Bunny's ears and it only took me about 12 minutes to lose one of them.
Then, we went home to show Daddy my new bunny. He said it was the best bunny EVER and I agree! Thanks, Mrs. P!!
But, that only got us to Saturday at 10.45am. Stay tuned for Part 2 of the Valentine Weekend!!! My typist needs to take a break!
Friday, February 12, 2010
Mommy Post: Ooh, la la!
Good things that are happening today:
1) FREE Parking - they are not making us feed meters today! PPA, I take back all the bad things I ever said about you.
2) Sun - that Hurricane Schwartz was WRONG - he said no sun for a week, but it's bright and beautiful.
3) Fun blogging giveaways. I don't know how MckMama can part with this beauty, but I hope I win it!!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Chloe Post: Reporting from the Snow Capital of the NE

Look at all this snow! There was so much snow that my school was closed for two days and Mommy and Daddy's offices were closed, too! We stayed home together and had so much fun... we read books and played with my toys and took naps. Mommy cooked lots of yummy food and we hunkered down to ride out the storm.

Daddy couldn't believe how much snow we were getting and kept saying, "They're lying! This is more snow than they predicted!" But, I think he was looking at this big pile that got much bigger because it had been a discard pile from the huge storm from last weekend. Daddy feels like all he's done all week is shovel!
Oh, well - the party is over - back to school and work tomorrow... for one day, at least - and then: WEEKEND!
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Chloe Post: I am Getting So Big!

Thursday, February 4, 2010
That Kid is a Handful

She's totally cracking me up at this stage - she understands now when I say "Smile, Chloe" and she can point out her shoes, her baby doll, her hair. She can climb the steps in 30 seconds and she understands what you mean when you say "bring me a book, Chloe." She knows where the Yogurt Melts are, which room Daddy is likely in and how to see thru walls to find missing pacifiers. But earlier tonight, it became clear that she does NOT have control of balance. We were running a bath and while the tub was filling, she leaned forward to touch it, forgot that her head is heavier than the rest of her and she pitched in head first. Fully dressed. Christ. This is how babies drown!
This kid, I tell you.