Here I am in my new jammies that Pah-Pah sent...
Oh, wait, Mommy just said that Grams sent them and Pah-Pah probably doesn't even know that there WERE new jammies, much less what they look like and that if I don't start saying Grams soon, we're all in for a very uncomfortable Christmas.
Anyway, don't I look nice in orange?

Mommy and I did a lot of prep for Halloween this weekend. We went to the dollar store and bought a sign for the front door and plastic spiders that Mommy is saving to surprise Daddy with at what she calls "opportune moments." We also hung up these paper spiders that made Daddy jump into the air very high. Unfortunately, I was napping when he saw them, but Mommy told me about it later. When she stopped hyperventilating from laughing so hard.
We also painted pumpkins for the front porch - Mommy painted faces on hers, but I chose to be more abstract. Sometimes you just have to let art flow over you.

Too cute! Pah-Pah sounds like my dad who has been known to say "So tell me, what did I give you for your birthday?"! Still LOL'ing @ Ed's reaction to the spiders....good luck with your "opportune moments"!!! Jen xoxo
Chloe.....................you're KILLING me!
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